- Published an Article from President in Fast Facts about Testing Stand. Click here to read. (Please note that it was brought to our attention that some documents housed on our website with old information concerning our stand were being accessed from the search function even though they were not actively linked to our pages. Those have been remove and replaced with the updated information.)
- Published and shared our Issues Briefs and Talking Points on: Funding our Schools and Assessing Teacher and Student Performance.
- Assessing Student and Teacher Performance – Issues Brief
- Assessing Student and Teacher Performance – Talking Points
- Funding our Schools – Issues Brief
- Funding our Schools – Talking Points
- Released Educational Conference Board (ECB) position statements on School Funding, Career and Technical Education and multiple Pathways to Graduation, Property Tax Caps, Immigration and English Language Learners (ELL) and Challenges Associated with an Unplanned and Unanticipated Influx of Unaccompanied Minors.
- Sent ECB letters to Governor Cuomo requesting that Executive Budget State Aid detail be released. Click here for first letter. Click here to read the follow-up letter.
- Gave Testimony to the NYS Joint Legislative Committees as presented by our Executive Administrator Rick Longhurst in reaction to the Governor’s Executive proposals and reform agenda. Click here to read.
- Published a Legislation Summary document. Click here to read.
- Sent a Letter to Governor Cuomo concerning his statement on failing teachers. Click here to read.
day after, we brought 26 advocates to meet with our state senate and
congressional staffs to share our opinions and ask for their support with the
above issues. Our member advocates throughout the state joined our ranks to
share their views on virtual lobby day where over 5,000 letters were sent to
our legislators about assessing teacher and student performance and funding our
Advocating for Family Engagement in Education Act in Washington: We
then took our advocates to Washington, DC where we were honored to receive a
co-sponsorship from Senator Chuck Schumer for the Family Engagement in Education Act.
Our hope is to continue to receive this support from the rest of the federal
legislators representing New York. Those we met with were very open to
supporting this important legislation.
Thank you for continuing to Communicate to Advocate with us for the children of NYS!
NYS PTA® President
Communicate to Advocate!