As far as the Common Core
initiative, let’s ask ourselves:
- Is it beneficial for students to be able to move from zip code to zip code or state to state, without falling behind their peers?
- Is it beneficial to build a skill base that is applicable to real world experience and prepares our children to compete in a global economy?

It’s been
said that you have to live the questions to find the answers. While there are
valid concerns regarding reform, we must also ask ourselves:
- Is it easier to criticize change than recognize the reason for it?
- Is it more productive to rail against the process or to be a part of it?
- How do we develop parameters to measure student growth without a starting baseline?
- Which is the wiser expenditure of energy: fighting to maintain what we know and what feels comfortable or opening ourselves to change and help our children and educators navigate safely, confidently through the turbulent waters?
- Do we want our children to be able to think creatively and globally and take advantage of the wealth of information that’s right at their fingertips?
- we are continually being faulted for falling behind the standard of our past educational achievements, especially in comparison with other economically developed countries;
- we do have a transition problem when students, especially children of military families, transfer between locales;
- we are providing remediation to one-third of high school graduates who are unprepared for college;
- we are challenged by growing numbers of economically disadvantaged and non-English speaking families.
But children of every one of these
populations deserve our best efforts. They deserve a level playing field that
will prepare them to prosper in a global economy. Our best efforts are not advanced by being
adversarial but instead by being collaborative. Only then will we find the
answers to the questions being lived.
rather than seeing education reform as hard, let’s broaden our perspective to view
reform as a means of opportunity and hope for every child. While there may be flaws in the process,
let’s offer solutions in place of complaints. The final question to ask
ourselves: Isn’t the potential worthy of
the challenge?
Lana Ajemian, President
Reflect the past, Transform today, Inspire tomorrow!
Lana Ajemian, President
Reflect the past, Transform today, Inspire tomorrow!