NYS PTA Response to NYS Adopted Budget
On Monday,
April 4, school districts received their state aid allocations according to the
final vote by the NYS Senate on Friday, April 1. An overview
of funding issues that NYS PTA advocated for, with what was included in budget
bills and what was not addressed, is now available from our website by clicking here.
At the end of the document, we also pinpoint certain items we believe will be discussed until the end of the
legislative session in June. Your continued attention to advocacy efforts and our advocacy messages is important.
During this session, many last minute issues were
responded to with our Education Conference Board (ECB) partners in response
to concerns from our constituencies.
- The Gap Elimination Adjustment in the New State Budget
- Oppose Increased Financial Support for the Charter Industry
- Support School Success in Raising Student Achievement
UPDATE: An Opportunity for Parents to Share Your Voice on a NYS Learning Standards Committee
Last Thursday we sent
out a Voter Voice email to all of our members that we also shared with other parent organizations throughout the state concerning the
NYS Education Department (NYSED) request that parents help review and revise
the ELA and Mathematics Learning Standards during 2016-17.
The Standards
revision is first; assessments will be addressed later. NYSED has asked the PTA
to help with the marketing of this request along with working together on the
nomination process that will determine who will be selected for these
As of Thursday, April 7, 151
completed applications have been received. The breakdown of those applications is that 87 parents have applied to participate on the ELA Committee and 64 parents selected the Mathematics Committee.

Thank you for continuing to Communicate to Advocate with us for the children of NYS!
NYS PTA® President
Communicate to Advocate!